Tips to find the Best Suitable Match for Marriage

· matrimony

Is the so called word ‘FOREVER’ a myth or the truth that can take our lives to the stage of beautiful memories and cherishness? Do forever believes in love? ‘Or’ it just remains intact, may be the questions every single person might be thinking now and then. Honestly, I believe together is a beautiful place to be, the place where we choose the same person over and over again, without any pause and doubt. Despite of all the gloomy things we know about the person, the life-long journey of forever thrives with not only love but also commitment, trust, respect, communication and patience.

The goal of marriage is not to think identical, but is to think together. It does not matter the person besides you is perfect but what matters is that person sticks around you no matter what the situation and circumstances are. The good marriage is not made by finding, it is something we make and also most importantly we keep on making it till the end. We assume that marriage is sort of a box where we need to put something in before we take out. Love is not in marriage, love is in people and people put love in marriage to make it successful and attached. Efforts are key to every relationship. We cannot expect something in return if we are not putting same efforts in the relation as the other person. Two people must learn the art and form the habit of not only giving but also loving, serving and praising each other.

It is very important to find the best suitable match for marriage and sometimes it is challenging. The best piece of advice I can give is firstly know about yourself as much as you can. Before searching a life partner, it is foremost to take time to understand your values, goals and know what exactly you want in the relationship. Engaging in different activities and expanding your social circle that aligns with your interests are must as it will upshot the chance of meeting like-minded individuals and potentially you can find someone with same mindset. The next major point is to build a strong support network including your families and friends that can certainly quest for a suitable partner for you. They can find you a good match by providing you the emotional support, advice and potentially introduce you to someone who is capable of you and keep your needs before his or her.

It is very important to be open- minded and flexible if you want to find someone who is compatible and adjustable. We need to give people the chance, get to know them beyond surface- level judgements and also encourages to step you out of the comfort zone. We all know communication is the key to every relationship. Even a small mistake can become so heavy if not properly communicated or processed. We need to clearly express our view point and ensure that you and your expected partner our on the same page. It is also very crucial to take your time in analysing the other person because nobody expects you have to live with that person and be the future family. Prioritizing emotional support is must over infatuation and physical attraction. Remember physical appearances changes with age but what matters is the inner beauty of the person. The values, ethics and the bonds which you share is most important in a relationship than any other thing. If you are not able to find any compatible partner and if any issue you are facing, you should seek help from professionals as they provide valuable insights and also supports you in understanding yourself and your relationship preferences better.

Therefore, in every niche and corner, it is important to first put some efforts, for the things we love and not make excuses. Someone’s effort is always a reflection of their interest in you so, by putting right efforts in right person can effectively give you fruitful results. We know a person is right for us, when you allow yourself to be completely vulnerable and let the other person know see your true self, that is where true intimacy begins.